jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019

Unit 1 “Grammar”

In this first unit, we focus on what is Grammar? So, inside of this chapter we could learn new terms that help us to defined a concept of Grammar correctly. And it is the way of how we combine, organize and change parts of words, words and group of words to transmit a meaning. In grammar we have two important aspects to consider, those are forms and uses. How words are made up and presented is called grammatical form and we can identify them into parts of speech, grammatical structures and words that contain affixation (prefixes and suffixes). In English we find nine parts of speech but the form varies depending of the function that each of them has into a sentence. As well as that, the grammar use mention the way of how grammatical structures are used to convey the meaning depending of the use or meaning comes from the context.

In the classroom, appear a big deal about teach grammar or not. For that reason, many students find problems in the grammar structure; they do not know how words behave grammatically into the sentence. In many cases students need to be confronted to the examples in order to understand the grammar use. Otherwise, some others discover it easily and it is called inductively way; that it is a perfect way to develop their comprehension. However, the fact of teach English in the spoken way would be a challenge because grammar rules are not fixed and people are taught in an isolated way, they require development of accuracy in activities or exercises focus on form and uses to practice both.
In the video above, we will find a good explanation of how this teacher teaches grammar into an innovative way using the PPP model to develop students’ comprehension.

  • Harmer, J. (2007). How To Teach English. Harlow: Pearson Education.
  • Mary Spratt, A. P. (2011). The TKT Teaching Knowledge Test Course. Cambridge University Press.

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