jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019

Learner: Centered Approach.

Learner: Centered Approach.

An article that caught my attention is Learner-Centered Approach. The goal of this approach is focus on learning. Weimer (2013) stablish that in teaching process this approach permits to engage leaners in the hard work, to motivate and gives control over learning process, to encourage collaboration, to promotes student’s reflection, and to include explicit learning skills.
There are some theories that Learner-Centered Teaching approach follows:
Attribution Theory and Self-efficacy is the way how people attribute procedures of success or failure. This theory explains that learning is a process or set or steps to follow ideas, skill, values and ways of thinking are acquired.  On the other hand, self-efficacy focusses on the student’s beliefs in their capacities. In Learner-centered approach will encourage students to work on their beliefs and challenges.
Radical and Critical Pedagogy
Learner-centered approach emphasis on radical and pedagogy because education suffers social changes. This theory clarifies that Learning is directed to social change and to transformed the world, and learning is powerful tool where students to challenge domination in their lives.
Feminist Theory
This theory influences in the way of avoiding hierarchy in classroom, to illustrate this idea, students use their own experiences rather than experience from textbooks.
In this theory learning is an active process. The role of the learner is to build their own knowledge base on experiences, earlier ideas, concepts rather than copying information. On the other hand, the role of the teacher is to look opportunities which allow learners to get familiar with previous experience and knowledge that they use in the teaching process.

This Learner-centered approach will be useful in the learning process because we analyze our student’s development using different theories that propose this author. Furthermore, those theories help to involve leaners in the learning process to encourage collaboration and student’s reflection. In the links about you read more about this leaning approach. 


Weimer, M. (2013). Learner-Centered Teaching Five Key Changes to Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass A Wiley Imprint.

Philadelphia, U. o. (2014). Sciences University of Science. Retrieved April 28, 2015, from Sciences University of Science: http://www.usciences.edu/teaching/Learner-Centered/

Student-Centered Learning (21st Century Education). (2019). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N1I6sOhDiw

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